Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Independence Day

I decided to take this post down. Someone notified me that it offended them. Everything on my blog is of my own writing unless otherwise noted. Well this post was a forward that I received in my email. When I copied and pasted it onto here the ending, that says it was written by a dead marine's wife, had been cut off. I put it up as a reaction to some of the awful reports coming out of Iraq.

To 'Dead Mule' (The person who complained),

I'm very sorry I offended you. I see where the post was a little harsh. However, I also have very strong feeling when it comes to politics, freedom, and our military. Also, regardless of what was in that thread, I love God and his children more than anything in this whole world. That includes muslims. I pray for that country and those people. Jesus said, "Whosoever will" can come unto him. Who am I to say any different. Anyways enough time has been spent on this rebuttal. No offense or harm was intended.

Let me just leave this little snippet ,written by lil ol me, instead.

Have you ever thought about what it means to be free? Have you ever thought of the cost of your freedom? I often think of what it means to have freedom as an American. I also think a lot about what it means to have freedom as a Christian. Both of my freedoms have cost much sacrifice. So are you thankful for your freedom or are you just free? Next time you stare into the eyes of your choices just know this... for you to have freedom it cost someone something. (maybe even their life)


Kari Morgan said...

Hi Sherah! I was just talking about you with my mom(all good of course!)...I was telling her I didn't have your email and didn't know how to get ahold of you! My email is
Email me and I'll give ya my snail ya!

DeadMule said...
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gw2770 said...

Sherah, you'll never please everyone. Especially those that can't appreciate what they have because they can't think for themselves.

Keep up the support for the troops.
